Monday, April 02, 2012

* Sunday Stealing

1. What was the last clothing item that you bought? Chiffon shirt.

2. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose? Hmm..really no idea.

3. When you say “lol”, are you really laughing? No coz' I don't say it.

4. What is the most interesting thing you’ve done in the past year? Lots.

5. If you started a business, what would it be? Home business,selling DIY stuff such as earring..(accessories..) OR music centre.

6. Do your friends/family/coworkers know about your blog? Some do.Only few of my friends.

7. How long does it take you to write an average blog post? Depends.

8. How do you keep up with the blogs you follow? Add them to my bookmark.

9. What is your bedtime? Is sex always involved? Almost 11p.m.No.

10. Introvert or extrovert? Both.Depending on the mood.Extroverted introvert.

11. What is your biggest fear? Spider and its web.

12. What is the best job you ever had? ---

13. Dog person/cat person/both/neither? Cat.

14. If you had $1,000 to spend any way you wanted, what would you do with it? Deposit them.

15. How do you "dress" your toast? PB instead of PBJ.

16. How do you feel about snow? It can be pretty to look at from a warm house.

17. What was the worst job you ever had? ---

18. What song can you not stop listening to? There are too many to answer.

19. Love your name or hate it? Love it.


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