Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Wish List Meme, part two

The Wish List Meme, part two  

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get? Grilled Cheese. 

27.) Do you speak any other languages?  English,Mandarin,(poor french)

28.) Do you use Twitter?  YES,not often

29.) Do you go onto YouTube?  YES,I've a channel which is me playing piano covers :

30.) Do you play Angry Birds?  Used to.

31.) Do you like theme parties? I've no idea..never been to a theme party. 
32.) Do you like current cartoons?  Not really.

33.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes.  

34.) Who would you like to see in concert? Be frank, I really wanna see 1D 

35.) Can you swim well? NO.I even don't know how to.

36.) Ever won a contest? yaa

37.) Ever won a giveaway?  I wish 

38.) Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night?  YES from now.

39.) What tea do you like?  a kind of Chinese tea called鐵觀音
 and recently "Welsch".

40.) What mixed drink do you like?  Coffee x  Milk tea.

41.) Do you shop at Walmart?  Twice!

42.) Do you shop at Target?  Nope.

43.) What do you order at your local coffee shop?  Guess what?I never went into a starbucks.

44.)  Do you drink bottled or tap water? Bottled for sure.

45.) Do you like homemade meals?  yaaa

46.) Do you like homemade baked goods?  yaw

47.) Do you shop online?  Always.

48.) Name 3 stores online stores you would like to shop at:  Taobao,yahoo bid,etsy?

49.) What holiday don't you like?  Christmas?

50.) What do you eat more when you're sick? I don't really eat more when I'm sick.