Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Stealing

I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly Meme
Stolen from: Gabs survey
1. Have you ever had a pen pal? YES she is in Sri Lanka :)

2. What’s your favorite breed of dog? None but Golden Retriever is cute.

3. Can money buy happiness? It depends but yes sometimes.

4. Do you listen to music when you’re down? Yes but i'd rather play on piano.

5.What is one thing you spend way too much money on? 
books - classical piano sheets.

6.Can you honestly say you’re okay right now? No.

7.What was the last thing you spent money on? Food.

8.Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? Partly yes.

9.Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? Yoyo my friend.

10.Were you in a good mood last night? ya.

11.Do you have a reason to smile right now? sure!

12. How often do you hold back what you want to say? Rarely do this. I think twice before I speak.

13. Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? what does this mean?

14.Are you currently looking forward to anything? Yes I'm looking forward to my new life in UK for final year study : )

15.Do you have any TV shows on DVD? seriously no......


  1. Study in a foreign country is so awesome. Wish you the best of travel!

  2. Oh my, you are going to be a student in the UK. Wishing every happiness for you in this.
    I hold back, also, in talking in groups. It's a safety feature time has installed on my lips. As someone said, "That's what my blog is for" or something of that nature.
    Have a lovely week!

  3. How exciting that you're going to study in the UK! What an amazing experience you will have.

    I think, if I had an musical talent and could play as you do, I'd play when I'm sad, too. I think it would be very theraputic.

  4. I hope your studies go well. I play the guitar when I am sad sometimes. It does help. And I am sorry you are not okay. I hope all is well and better now.
