Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Cricket's Drivel

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!

2. My back is itching, will you scratch it for me? Yes if you ask me.

3. Do you have nice handwriting? Yes for English and no for Chinese.

4. We are sending you to either New Zealand or Canada, which one do you choose? Canada! My
 boyfriend's elder brother  is in Vancouver. 

5. Do you sing in the shower? No, never!!!

6. Have you ever been streaking? If so, how far did you streak and did anyone see you? NO and
 will never do!

7. How soon is too soon for Christmas decorations and music playing in the stores? Early November.

8. If you celebrated Halloween as a kid what was the costume you wore at 5? I don't celebrate
 Halloween when I was 5, I am a Christian. 

9. How many cavities have you had in your life? 3-4?

10.  Is there anyone you regret meeting. I can't remember any.
Cuttlefish paella
Churros with hot chocolate dip!
Palacio De Crista
Toledo! Toledo - UNESCO heritage site, the city of three cultures (Muslim, Christian and Jewish), it’s rich in a diverse religious history and proudly displays the monuments, artefacts and memorabilia from its past, enjoyed walking on beautiful cobblestone streets.

1. When was the last time you went to the doctor? Do you like your doctor? I guess it is 1-2 year ago, in UK normally we just go to the pharmacy to grab the pills/medicine we need.


Hi folks, I just been to Madrid, Spain with my twin sister and here are some pics, enjoy! It is bloody hot in Spain!


  1. You are so cute, you two! We have twins in our family, too. They are green eyed red heads.

    Yumm! Churros and chocolate. Very nice stuff. I love churros. Have a happy week!

    1. Thanks Zippi! Churros are yummy but the chocolate dup was way too sweet haha

  2. I didn't realize Christians weren't supposed to celebrate Halloween. It IS a religious holiday, or was until we got into the getting candy business.

    1. Hi Bev, some Christians are not sure on this matter. We don't celebrate because it seems encouraging celebrating with devil, but I'm sure it's more open in western countries :) Have a lovely week!

  3. Thank you for sharing the photos of Madrid. What a lovely city! I hope you enjoyed your trip there.

    1. Yes we did but it is too hot haha, have a nice week Stacy!

  4. I went to Madrid when I was a teenager. I would love to travel more now that I'm older . . . except I'm older!

    1. I understand your concern, that's why we try to do more travelling when younger. When we are older we might do more "In-state" travel just within our country. :) Have a nice week!!
