Sunday, February 09, 2014

Sunday Stealing : Cupid's Questions Meme

1.)Do you like Valentine's Day? Not especially :) I don't have a boyfriend lol

 2.)Are you going to celebrate it? No.

 3.)Celebrate Valentine's Day with Friends or someone Special? Most likely with family I guess

 4.)Pink or red? I'm not a big fan in this two colors haha

 5.)Candy Hearts OR cards? Cards!

 6.)A short kiss or a big hug? Both!

 7.)What are your plans for V-day? Normal school day.

 8.)What would be the best gift to receive? Anything.

 9.)Would get back with any of your ex's for V-day? I don't have any ex..

10.)Is there a food or beverage you associate with V-day? nope..

 11.) What are your thoughts on "Love at first sight"? I believe in attraction at first sight, but not love.

 12.)Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? Yes but it can be difficult.

13.) If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating or relationships what would it be? Not just for me but for all of my friends, think twice before you get into a relationship, be well-prepared when you're single. Don't waste your time.