Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sunday stealing meme with no name

1. Have you ever pretended to read a book to impress someone? No! Never!

2. Have you ever pretended not to read a book in order to avoid embarrassment? No.

3. What’s your worst reading habit? Read the impressing quotes again and again!

4. What book are you most proud of having read? No clue...

5. Do you buy most of your books new, second-hand, electronically or borrow via the library? Buy. But I do buy second-hand books plus reading it online to save money.

6. Have you ever pretended to watch a film to impress someone? No.

7. Have you ever pretended not to have watched a film in order to avoid embarrassment? No.

8. What movie have you watched the most? Definitely The phantom of the opera.

9. What film do you tell people is your favorite ever? Les choristes

10. What film is actually your favorite ever? Les choristes, about time

11. What time do you usually wake up and get up in the mornings? 7:45 a.m. and 8:20 a.m.

12. Do you wake naturally or does something/someone wake you up? naturally. Alarm is kind of like useless to me but I'l set one in case I can't wake up.

13. How many snooze alarms do you need? NONE!

14. What’s your routine on a workday/work at home morning? Give thanks, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, news sometimes

15. What’s your routine on a non-workday morning? Almost the same, have a nice breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. I've not watched Phantom for a few years. It deserves another airing, so I may watch it later!
