Sunday, March 16, 2014

The YEAH meme

Let's go!!! The Yeah Meme From FYeah, Surveys!

Do you have another window or tab open? If so, what are they for? I have two tabs open, my college email and Weheartit.

Do you like to cook/bake? I like to cook more than bake! (bake--- Only if I have the time for doing it)

What are you currently listening to? Silence.

How long have you lived in the house you live in? 14 years I guess.

Are you tired? Definitely! Woke up at 5:40a.m. today.

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out? It depends.

Are you nice to everyone? Most of the time.

Have you ever tripped in public? nope.

Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning.

Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive. It's difficult to erase your memories.

Is there something that’s recently shocked you? Yes! However I can't put it on here.

Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back? Walking away.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping.

What color are your eyes? Black I suppose but a bit dark brown


  1. I like cooking and baking but hate cleaning up after. Blah, that takes all the fun out of it.

    1. I don't like cleaning up too :P So many stuff to deal with!

  2. I love the photo on your blog header!

  3. Sorry this got so long! What a pretty background you have! and, that's way too early to be waking up, if you don't have to BE up.
    Ah, baking. I love baking. Have you discovered Step Baking, where you make mixes that double for different things, like scones, muffins plus non yeast breads? That might save some time, as you just have to a add a few things for variety on baking day, like raisins, nuts or chocolate, and the wet ingredients. This is one of the better pinterest sites:

    1. Thanks for the pinterest link! I'll try that when I'm free :)

  4. It's so true that you can't erase memories - good or bad.......
