Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Post before Exam starts.

Hi peeps. My exam will be started on 9th then ended on the 17th. Today, on this cold and rainy day I went to the dentist to fix my decayed tooth. It was fun, yeah, the dentist asked me if I need narcotics injected into my gums, I replied quickly with a big "NO" lol. He then asked me back for confirmation , I said yea I don't need it. (I don't think it would be so painful and the fact is - It's not that painful at all.) So thanks God that I didn't get that medicine injected.

The whole process was really peaceful, it lasts for 20 mins and then I leave the dentist.

I walked into a stationery store, there were LOTS of stickers, memo pack, lego toy, even earrings and necklace! It took me over 20mins to get through the whole store (It's not that big actually) because I’ve never really had an overwhelming desire to look for it carefully, delicately. So here are the cute stuff I've bought today. Most of them are for my sister and my friends.

1. "Sweden"stick marker - Cuteness written all over. Going to send this to Leonie. Go check out her channel:

2. Deer necklace - My sis is a Deer lover.

3. Cockatiel parrot stick marker - C'mon, how is this not cute?

4. Deer earrings
Until next time!


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